Latest Past Events

In Cycle

Studio Banjarmili Studio Banjarmili, Kradenan, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta

This work speaks about women's cycles, about the phases of life that must be passed through in the modern era within the shadow of moral values that are passed down from generation to generation.


Studio Banjarmili Studio Banjarmili, Kradenan, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta

Suun departs from the discoveries obtained when observing the activity of suun as a daily practice of the body. Suun is a technique of carrying items by placing them on the head. When performing suun, there is a connection between the body, objects and space - how objects placed above the head affect the body's movement space.

Methods of Martinus Miroto

Studio Banjarmili Studio Banjarmili, Kradenan, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta

Looking briefly at the long history of Miroto's journey in the world of dance, indeed we can imagine that it cannot be disassociated with two aspects, training discipline and thought processes. He then applied both of them not only to himself, but to the dancers involved in his works.

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